Children and Youth Ministry

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” (Matthew 19:14) We value the children and youth who are part of this congregation. As such, we offer a variety of opportunities for them to grow in faith, love, and discipleship.

Children’s Sermon

Each Sunday, as part of our worship service, the children are invited to come forward for a children’s message. Presented by members of the congregation, the lesson relates to the Scripture readings for the day adjusted so that children may comprehend more clearly the Good News of Jesus Christ. Often, the children’s message also encapsulates the gist of the sermon for the day.

On the second Sunday of each month, the children are invited to help with the “noisy offering”, a collection of loose change and paper currency given to various service partners throughout the community.

First Communion

Believing that children have a powerful trust in the blessings of God, and are called to be witnesses of the Good News of Jesus, we encourage children to participate fully in the worship life of the congregation. This includes Holy Communion. While children may receive the Sacrament at any age, when they reach the second or third grade, they are invited (along with their parents) to attend a First Communion Class. There, they will come to a fuller understanding of Holy Communion, grow in their faith, and develop a life-long appreciation for what Jesus has done for them.

Typically, such classes are held in the spring prior to Easter Sunday. For those interested, please look at our Upcoming Events or contact the church office.

Confirmation Instruction

Throughout the Scriptures, the church is admonished to teach children the ways of the faith. 6Train children in the right way, and when old, they will not stray. (Proverbs 22:6). In order to accomplish this work, at St. Luke’s we have developed a partnership with other local Lutheran congregations to provide catechetical instruction for youth, grades 6-8. Involving pastors and lay leaders from the area, the classes are held in the New Life Center the second Sunday of each month, 1-3 p.m. Youth are invited to attend along with their parents.

Confirmation instruction is primarily about faith development. Using interactive teaching methods, the youth grow in their understanding of Scriptures, practice of discipleship, and ability to share the Good News with others. Fellowship, fun, and food are always part of the time. Break out sessions for parents are also offered.

For more information, contact the church office, or Pastor Deb Monnin at


All youth, grades six through twelve, are invited to join in the Bible studies, games, servant events, and other activities that the Youtheran group does regularly throughout the year.