About Us

About God’s People at St. Luke’s

A description of our people: Forgiven in Christ Jesus, we forgive in His name Formed by God’s Word to live by faith, day by day Serving neighbors in need Learning to live the new life of God’s kingdom each day Witnessing to His grace, glory, and power to change us all St. Luke’s Facts Over 100 years in downtown Lima An ELCA congregation committed to proclaiming God’s Word A community of believers who don’t claim to be perfect–just forgiven Our Core Values are Worship, Learning, Serving, and Witnessing

St. Luke's street view

We are more than a congregation—we are a community rooted in the belief that God’s love inspires us to love and serve others in our area. It is the cornerstone of our faith and our ministry.

We believe in Jesus and the inclusive message of His teachings, welcoming everyone with open arms. Our commitment to service extends beyond the sanctuary, reaching out in faith to offer refreshment and renewal to those in need.

Guided by our principles of respect, integrity, and compassion, and strengthened by the Holy Spirit, we strive to create a culture of belonging where every individual is valued and embraced. We understand that faith is not about fear, but about finding hope, healing, and wholeness through meaningful relationships—with Christ, with our community, and with one another.

Our culture is defined by loyalty, hard work, and authenticity. We are committed to Christ and resilient, dedicated to making a difference in the lives of others through active service and genuine care.

We believe in quality over quantity, ensuring that every interaction is heartfelt and purposeful. We listen without judgment, seeking to understand and uplift those around us.

At St. Luke’s Downtown, we don’t just ask people to join us—we ask how we can serve them. Our commitment to doing the right thing, even when no one is watching, reflects our faith in God and deep sense of responsibility to our community and to each other.

Together, we strive for harmony and hope, recognizing the value and worth of every individual. Through our actions and our heart-felt faith felt, we seek to feed the hunger—spiritually, emotionally, and physically—of those in need.

Saved by God’s grace, we extend grace to others. Our service knows no bounds, as we reach out in faith to build a better, more caring world. St. Luke’s Downtown is not just a place of worship—it’s a community of followers of Jesus, guiding others towards love, service, and salvation.