Food and Hunger

Why caring is so important…

Jesus says, “whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40)

Giving food to people is a simple way of remembering that Jesus has called us to care for those in need, and at the same time sharing the joy we have in Christ with others. In short, it is a way of showing that our faith makes a difference in how we live our lives. Jesus Christ gives us life, and so we live in him and share his life with others.

We at St. Luke’s Downtown participate as partners in variety of service opportunities throughout the community, including:

Free Community Meals

During the winter months of January, February, and March, once a month, we host a free community meal. Our chili and fixin’s are a wonderful expression of our care for those who live and work in the downtown area. Served in the New Life Center (our gym), from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm, the community that gathers share stories, build community, find hope, and discover renewal. And the take home business booms. If you’d like to help, please contact the church office for details.

Our Daily Bread

This well known and well used soup kitchen provides meals three times a day for those who are hungry in our community. The food is always good, the conversations interesting, and the fellowship a rich blessing. Most importantly, people are receiving the gifts of God. St. Luke’s Downtown provides regular financial assistance and volunteer workers on the fourth Friday of each month. Should the Lord be calling you to service to the hungry of our area, please join us either as a volunteer, or by donating, both by visiting their website:

Our Daily Bread Kitchen
125 S. Central St.
Lima, Ohio 45801

C.U.P. Produce Give-Away

The annual fall produce give-away began in 2008, when there was so much produce at the local food bank that it was going to waste. With some quick organization, members of St. Luke’s came together to distribute this extra bit of God’s provision. It was such a success that we’ve done it every year since. We unload, organize and distribute the food on Wednesdays in August and September.

Special Giving

The people of God at St. Luke’s are very generous. As special needs arise in the community, appeals are made, often with matching gifts. The proceeds are then distributed to the organization or agency requesting assistance. Lutheran Disaster Response – Flood and Tornado Relief, Logan County United Way for Tornado Recovery, Samaritan House, Family Promise of Lima, Salvation Army, and the Lima Rescue Mission are just a few of the partner ministries support by the generous people of God at St. Luke’s.

Churches United Pantry (CUP)

To make sure that people in our area don’t go hungry, the churches of Downtown Lima band together to provide food through the Churches United Pantry (CUP). The people of the church provide financial support and volunteers to work the ‘store’. Food is donated or puchased from the West Ohio Food bank or donated by the downtown churches, then distributed to local residents according to the number of people at each residence. CUP is an amazing ministry that serves hundreds of people each month on a shoestring budget. Should you wish to volunteer to help, need help, donate food items, or make a financial contribution, please contact CUP directly: 

129 S. Pierce St.
Lima, Ohio 45801

Noisy Offering Sundays

The second Sunday of each month, during our Children’s Sermon time, we receive a “noisy offering”. Worshipers collect coins (and bills) during the month. On the Noisy Offering Sundays, they bring them so that the children can collect them in metal cans (hence, the noisy part). After the children have received the cash, a prayer of thanksgiving is offered; and the proceeds support local service ministries.

ELCA World Hunger Appeal

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) supports the World Hunger Appeal. St. Luke’s Downtown contributes financially to the Appeal through special collections Sunday mornings and daily offerings received in homes during Lent. In addition, special events and promotions emphasizing the work of the Hunger Appeal are shared throughout the year. 100% of every dollar give goes to fight hunger both in the United States and around the world. Find out more about the appeal here.

Souper Bowl of Caring

On Super Bowl Sunday, a collection if made of canned soup (and other items) to support CUP.