
St. Luke’s is blessed with an abundance of musical talent. Whether we are playing instruments or lifting up our voices in our choral groups, we make music to the glory of God.

St. Luke’s Choir

The choir sings in worship on most Sundays, Fall through Spring. They often sing anthems that relate to the scriptures for the day, and their voices lead the congregation in singing hymns and Psalms. Choir practice is at 8 a.m. on Sunday morning.

Special Music

In solo and in ensemble, singers and instrumentalists offer their gifts in worship regularly – though most often in the summer months. Talk with Sandy to get your spot in the rotation to share your God given gifts and make Jesus known!

Organ Music

St. Luke’s has a beautiful organ that adds so much power to Sunday worshp services. It is not the only instrument we use, but tied to our Lutheran heritage, it is the most used.

St. Luke's choir